


Monday, 31 August 2009

"The Secrets of Narion: Spear of Thoughts: 1" By Jade M, Age 11, Year 7, Wadebridge School


The Secrets of Narion
Spear of Thoughts 1

Our world was once a peaceful place. But then the three Knights of Maren, Storm, Lightening and Thunder came and threatened to kill everybody. Our Araban’s, ruler of a secret world, made a deal with Storm Lightning and Thunder. We pledged to leave our world and only to come back if their knight’s leader, (Storm) was brought to death. But Storm is immortal and can only be killed by the Narion Spear of Thoughts. Everybody’s powerful thoughts are placed within the Spear. The more stronger minds… the more powerful the spear becomes. Now I am one of the Araban’s daughters and I, (Semya) and my two friend’s, Crina and Mea have ten days to find the Spear of Thoughts. If we do not then we have failed our quest.

“Slow down Semya!” Mea moaned as we trenched through the Tiemma desert, on our pet Elis. The myth of Elis is that they evolved from a creature called an elephant that is now enticed… but Eli’s are smaller and have a head and tail of another enticed creature called a lion. I think it’s nonsense really.
“I’m bored!” Crina huffed, folding his arms and then toppled backwards off his Eli.
“Stupid!” Mea shouted groaned.
“Oh my god!” I shouted, “You're sinking!”
It was true, Crina was sinking into the Tiemma Desert! I bent down and tried to reach my arm out to him… but suddenly the Sand started to rise and demolished Crina.
There was a long lonely silence and then a loud, clear shout.“Ha you guys.” It was Crina!
“You're alive!” I shouted,
“Jump and let yourself sink… there’s a river right below!” Crina bellowed again,
“NO WAY!” Mea sat tight on her Eli.
“Come on!” I smiled and as I jumped I grabbed onto Mea’s Eli’s leg and pulled. Mea went flying as her Eli madly jumped all over the place until he also started to sink.
“I’m never going to forgive you for this Semya!” Mea screeched at me.
“Lighten up a bit!” I laughed, as I slowly started to sink, until my legs dangled and were free of the sand. The sand raised and sucked me up. As I fell I expected to splash into the supposing river… but instead I landed on top of Crina and flattened him!
“Sorry!” I apologised, standing up into the river. Crina went to get up… but suddenly an, “Ahhh!” came from above and Mea fell and landed on top of Crina, sending him back to the rivers bed,.
“I think girls just mustn’t like me.” Crina huffed, shoving Mea off, so that she fell flat faced into the river.

“What now?” I pondered, looking around for something to help us, “There!” I shouted pointing to a note in a bottle, floating down the river.
“After it!” Crina shouted, splashing through the water, chasing after the bottle. Mea got up and tried to catch up with us. When we finally grabbed the bottle Crina read the note out loud.
“So you are smarter then we thought… but next of all you’ll have to be cunning and fast to find the golden tiger snake. Follow the river down until you come to Wallinda falls. P.S I am watching you.” A flutter of wings passed and we all turned around and gasped, who was watching us?

As we followed the river down we came to a barred gate.
“Well open it then!” Mea moaned.
“We don’t know what’s on the other side Mea.” I huffed.
“Move out the way!” Mea pulled at the gate, until it flung open, “There… how hard was that?” Mea smirked. As we walked through the gate we came to the edge of a Water Fall! We all gasped.
“Wallinda Falls!” Crina announced. “We’ve got to jump!” I looked at the over groan jungle below and held my nose.
“Se yeah!” I jumped off the edge and fell to the pool of water at the bottom of the Falls.
“Sem-yaaaa!” Crina screamed and jumped after me.
“What about me?” Mea groaned, then carelessly jumped, with arms and legs all over the place.

As we all clambered onto the jungle floor, we realised that we were surrounded by thick leaves and bushes of the jungle. Suddenly a long golden and orange striped snake, slivered across my feet.
“The Golden Tiger Snake!” I shouted pointing to it. It turned around and faced me, opening its mouth and hissing its long wavy tongue at us.
“Catchz ze.” It hissed as it shrank to the size of a pencil and slivered into the pool of water, at the bottom of the falls. Crina dived in closely followed by I.
“I’ll- um- just… I’ll just wait here.” Mea scratched her head. As I came up to the surface to breathe I saw the sneaky snake slivering towards the water fall. Suddenly Crina leapt out of the water from right beneath the snake and caught it in one hand.
“Catch!” he screeched, (with a mouth full of water) and threw it to me. I caught the snake by the tale and then launched it to Mea. As Mea leapt from the ground and stretched her arms out, my heart pumped faster and I held my breath for that second, that one, adrenaline rush second when Mea caught it in her hands and it turned into a solid ring of gold.

Crina and I climbed out of the water and placed our fingers on the ring.
We slowly started to go round and round until it was like we were in a whirl pool.
Soon I fell onto a hard surface, rocks. As I looked around I realised I was in a cave. I couldn’t see Crina… or Mea! Where were they? Suddenly a black beast appeared, with gigantic, strong wings and long, sharp, shining claws. It roared and puffed a ball of roaring hot fire. It was a Dragon!

To Be Continued.....

By Jade M
Age 11, Year 7
Wadebridge School

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